Friday, August 31, 2007

these are days

The other day a song came up on my ipod that brought back a flood of memories. More important, however, was the way the song enlightened the present. I've realized that nostalgia, or remembering "the good old days", which weren't always good - as another song once said, only brings so much light. At some point the past has to be learned from and then released into history. Not necessarily forgotten, but it has no real power to change the present unless you're living present-ly.

The song I refered to had a way of reminding me to make the most of these moments, ones like you see in this picture. Moments like the daily, chaotic, harried ones anyone who has children has experienced. Sometimes we're just glad we made it through the day. Sometimes, however, I realize I missed something. That can be a deeply painful realization. These experiences are a mercy, though. These kids are a gift of mercy, and blessing. If we're not careful we miss the shaft of light making its way across our faces.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Congrats Jeff!

My brother Jeff graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary recently and I was able to get down there to see it, thanks Mom & Dad. He's an Air Force Chaplain candidate and is applying for active duty. It's been amazing to see him and his family leave a life of relative security because they realized that they were part of a story that's bigger than themselves. They know they are called to do what they're doing. My older brother and sister (more on her later) continue to inspire me with their faithfulness and their boldness.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Alright, alright ... so it's been a long time since I've updated this. I have three kids so cut me some slack. For any of you who are still checking (and I don't blame you if you gave up on us) here's a recent photo of the kids. Since I'm taking this semester off from school, I suppose I ought to have some more time to keep this up. Adelaide is into gymnastics and ballet ... lots of fun. Colin is still into Star Wars big time. And Arden is into ... well everything. This stage is very tiring for us, but we're still amazed at the gift these kids are to us. Gotta run.